Monday, March 25, 2013

Snow Fun!

We've had snow from the end of October and into March...really, really hoping we don't get anymore in April!!!!!! 
We've had to play in the snow around the neighborhood (park or behind the backyard) because we keep forgetting to pick up after Leila before the snowfall!  :) 
We found this little fort at the park!
 Our first (and I think only!) snowman of the season!
Our snow barricade!
We used a rectangular tupperware container
Once it was built and Luke was down for a nap, the girls invited Leevi out for a snowball fight!
Kailee hiding...

We are definitely over the snow!!!!  Actually, I don't mind the snow too much, but I'm so over the cold, and bundling up, and the wet mess tracked into the house!!!!!!!  This is definitely the most snow we've had since we moved here.  It's never more than a few inches, but it just lingers forever...we've had constant snow on the ground all winter!  BUT no snow days from school!!!  We've had one early release and one two hour delay and that didn't come until March AFTER the sun came out and teased us with 50 degree weather for a week!!!
Walking to pick Hailey up from school!

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