Friday, November 22, 2013

Earrings, round two

Kailee initially had her ears pierced when she was almost three, but a few months later, one of them got infected and the back of her ear swelled up around half of the earring backing.  Leevi had to basically put her in a head lock to hold her still so I could get the back off.  It was traumatic to say the least and there was a ton of blood!  I'm not certain that she specifically remembers the trauma, but she has said for the longest time that she was never getting her ears pierced again....until about a month ago!  I told her that I would take her, but I wanted it do be during a time that Leevi was home and could keep Luke for me!  And thankfully he did, because we had to wait about 2 hrs for the 2nd Claire's employee to show up so they could pierce her at the same time.  The girls were easily occupied in Claire's and then we walked the Hauptstrasse popping into stores to kill time. 

 Pretty girl!!
 It's hard to tell, but it is a rainbow colored diamond flower.

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