Saturday, July 25, 2015


We spent 3.5 weeks at my parent's house in Pungo.  We all had a blast and the kids can't wait to go back.  My parent's neighbors have multiple farm animals (and 3 little girls!!!!) so it was right up the kids' alley! 
Flower (the pony), Sunny (the horse) and Donkey (the donkey)
Luke absolutely LOVED this little motorcycle that my mom found for .50cents at a yard sale for my brother, Mike, over 30 years ago!!!!!  And take note of the awesome jungle gym that my parents built this summer for the kids!
Both girls loved this "go-cart"
I had my fair share of shopping sprees and told my mom that I wasn't allowed to set foot in Michael's anymore on that trip! :)
The best way for a man to shop!!
The kids pulled multiple toys and games out of the attic and this ridiculous game from my childhood called Pig Pong was a big hit! :)
With the help from my mom, the girls knitted their own winter hats while they were there!
We all got a hair trim and the girls had some color extensions added.

Sawyer, the neighbor dog...he came by everyday to visit Leila
Playing out front

The neighbors also have chickens and each of them begged to go chase them everyday!

So many crafts!
I think she was laughing because she had turned my dad into a fairy with an app on her phone!
Oh that baby boy!!!!
Many volleyball games!
Jungle gym fun!
Leila and Sawyer hanging out...Leila had to be on a leash because she'd always sneak away to go chase the chickens!!!  She got to the point where she didn't want to take a walk and would refuse to leave the cul-de-sac because she only wanted to go see the chickens! :)
Grooming time...they were in heaven!!!!!!!!!

Flower getting a make-over!

Katherine let the girls ride Sunny by day ever!!!
Another countless pet next door...Albert, the bearded dragon!
A beautiful (and perfect climbing) tree at a park after dinner one night! 
Lots of pool time!
And sunbathing time!

Crazy girls!!!

Riding my old scooter!
 Fort fun!!
Many, many, many nights of Dominos!
Lego men!!
The girls next door, Millie and Augusta
Tie-dying t-shirts...they turned out awesome!!!
My 94 year old grandmother came over for dinner (and we went to her place to swim and have lunch also)
An attempt at a group photo!

I love this one in the front of my parent's driveway!  Much more to come on our summer in Va....

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