Friday, September 19, 2008

Dr. Appt Today

I'm 39 weeks and 5 days today...2 days from a due date that really is only an estimate! I had my first internal exam today and I'm 2 cm dialated and 75% effaced. I've been contracting a lot (but not much pain involved), so I had assumed that something was going on down there! Hopefully it won't be much longer now! The doc was concerned about my amniotic fluid level, so she ordered an ultrasound to check things out. The levels are great, so no problems there, but it was SO tempting lying there during the ultrasound to ask what the gender was!!!!!!! I'm so proud of myself for the will power I exhibited!!!!!!! I kept saying to myself, "it's just a few more days, it's just a few more days!!" Although, I must confess that I did not inform the technician that we didn't know the gender and was secretly hoping she'd offer up a "looks like you've got a healthy baby boy/girl" comment. But she didn't!

I'll keep you updated!!! :)

1 comment:

Amy Ross said...

I don't know how you do it not knowing what you are having... We will be praying for you as the time gets closer...will you have someone update your blog???

Personally, I hope you have a boy :) Of course I am biased with three of them!! But it is always fun to have the same sex because then the siblings can be such good friends.

Can't wait to see little baby number 2!!