Friday, September 5, 2008

Hailey Reading a Bedtime Story

As I've mentioned before, Hailey's bedtime routine consists of reading a few books before bed. She likes to "read" them back to us and tonight's retelling was worth a video recording. She constantly amazes us with things she remembers from storylines to something that happened weeks ago. The book in the video is pretty basic and I'm not sure how many times she's heard's about a Mom playing Hide-n-Seek with her child. I asked Leevi if he read it to her last night, but he couldn't remember. (I think she suckers him into reading a lot more books before bed than I do...she's already learning the "I need to pee or I want some water" bedtime delaying tricks!) Anyway, of course when I got the camera and asked her to reread the book again, I wasn't as great as the first time, but it's still cute. You'll see how silly she got when the camera appeared!! :) After the book is also a pitiful attempt at her ABC's...she was watching herself in the mirror and was overcome with the giggles!

This picture is of Leevi and Hailey from the night before. We love that Hailey sleeps in a "big girl" double bed and makes snuggle-time at bedtime/storytime nice, but whoever puts her to bed usually doesn't make it out!I thought of this old picture when I was posting this blog. Hailey was just shy of 1 month old...guess she's always been a snuggler!

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