Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Hailey and Kailee Pics

Here are some pictures I've put together of the girls. I commented in a previous post about how much Kailee looks like Hailey...that was one of the first things I said after Kailee was born. Their weight and length were practically the same at birth, so we'll see if Kailee becomes the little butterball that Hailey was before she started crawling! Hailey had gain almost two pounds by her two week check up, so we'll see about Kailee this Friday!

Hailey is on the left or top in all these pictures...I quizzed Leevi to see if he could tell who was who and he passed! :)

Minutes old...

At the hospital...

About a week old...

Hailey is about a week or two older than Kailee in this picture...


Angela said...

I can see your have two beauties!

Just me said...

Wow... that is slightly cool and kinda creepy. Still beautiful girls nonetheless!

Mrs. Swann said...

Your girls are very much alike! Mine are sooo different and that started since birth! Thanks for the birth's cute! Did you make it yourself??