Monday, October 27, 2008

Rain, Rain Go Away

We had planned on going to the pumpkin patch this weekend, but the rain kept us away. We attempted to go on Saturday despite the looming gray clouds as we were getting ready and sure enough just as we were pulling up it started to rain. We hemmed and hawed and even out of the car debating whether to go or not and then decided to try again tomorrow. It's in a field of dirt, so not only would we be wet, but Hailey would inevitably be muddy not to mention trying to keep Kailee dry. It's rare to have two dreary days in a row in Hawaii, so we thought we try again Sunday, but we woke up to more rain today. It's sunny out now, but the mud-factor is keep us away. I know we are party poopers, but at least Hailey is too young to realize what she is missing. I know people look at us like we are crazy when we have a complaint about living in Hawaii, but we do miss out on some of the fun holiday traditions that just don't seem the same when you can do them in flip flops and shorts. So, we are going to be boring and get our pumpkins from the grocery store. We joked about bringing the video camera into the store and still letting Hailey pick out her pumpkin! I feel really bad for the pumpkin patch owners. There is only ONE pumpkin patch on the island and it's only open 4 days...last weekend and this weekend. I'm sure they didn't get the turn out they expected. :( Leevi is bringing the 'store' pumpkins home with him today, so we will carve them tonight and I'll try to get pictures up tomorrow.

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