Friday, October 17, 2008

The Kids!

Tiffany and I were finally brave enough to have a playdate with all 5 kids. It went off without a hitch, so I'm sure there will be many more to come. We haven't yet attempted an "outing" with all of us like we used to do before the babies came and we are just staying low key for now at one of our houses. Colin and Hailey can sometimes go at it like a brother and sister would, so playing the referee while tending to the newborns can sometimes be a challenge we weren't yet ready to face. They played great though and we even managed to actually sit down all together at lunch! Here are some pictures we got of all the kids.
Mason (3 weeks) Colin (3 years) Rylee (18 months) Hailey (2 1/2 years) Kailee (3 weeks)
I knew Hailey was making a face in this picture, but we had no idea that Colin joined her until we scrolled through all the pictures when we had finished. I told them to "smile nicely" and this is the response we got! I LOVE it!!

We can't believe the babies are already a month old! When Tiffany and I found out we were both pregnant and had the same due date we were excited yet realistic in knowing that the chances of us having the babies on the same day would be pretty far of us could be 2 weeks early and the other two weeks late and then they'd be a month apart. We had talked about one of us drinking castor oil to induce labor if the other had started naturally, but didn't need to. I had toyed around with the idea to drink it the night of the 19th because I had wanted Kailee to be born on the 20th to match Hailey's date of 2/20 and our anniversary of 12/20. Tiffany had Mason on the 18th and then my contractions started the next morning and I had Kailee that night, so it was pretty exciting that we were able to overlap in the hospital!! Not only are the babies just a day apart, but both of our labors were very similar. Tiffany had to take an ambulance to the hospital because her labor came on so fast and it was rush hour traffic. Kailee decided that she couldn't be shown up by Mason and chose an equally thrilling arrival (see previous post if you don't know the story). What adds to the similarities is that both Tiffany and I pushed for exactly 12 mintues...we didn't realize that until we read the write up from the midwives on our discharge papers.

Tiffany and I at Ko'Olina...about a month and a half before the births

In my hospital room the day Mason was discharged

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