Friday, February 3, 2012

Saving Money by Spending Money...

A few weeks ago the PX's had a ridiculous sale and put practically ALL of their winter clothing on sale for 75% off!!!!  Since NOBODY really lives in Mannheim anymore, our PX was fully stocked!  A ran into a few of my neighbors while shopping and we'd laugh at each others carts and a lot of people posted their receipts on Facebook of their crazy savings! 

There were a few fancy holiday dresses that the girls have been eyeballing but I told them they needed to wait until they went on clearance.  Hailey has it in her head that she needs to wear formal gowns to church each Sunday, so I was able to stock her closet with $6 and $7 dresses!  Kai has been begging for a fancy dress that included a matching one for her baby and thankfully they still had her size (she wants to wear it EVERYday)  I didn't buy too much for the girls because 1. they already have too much and 2. the older kid clothing doesn't have as many quality Carters and Oshkosh as the infants do.  I got a few things for Hailey for next Winter but not much of a selection.  Where I had to control myself was with the infant/toddlers Carter's complete outfits for $3!  I wanted to buy every style in every size in both genders!   And it really doesn't get too warm here in Germany for very long so I didn't have to think too much about the seasonal weather at least for a baby.  I didn't cut off any tags, so whichever gender clothing I don't need for this baby will go into my "Gift Closet" and I will be stocked for baby shower presents for awhile!  :)  Unless, we decide that our family isn't done growing yet.......   :)   The talk of #4 comes up often...we'll see how much we talk about it as we adjust to a family of 3!  :) 
The "confession" picture text that I sent Leevi!  :)  I told him that I was trying really hard to control myself! 

How Kailee occupied herself while I shopped...the lingerie section is right next to the children's clothing, so she kept bringing me "outfits" 

Some of the final spread at home...I spent $160 BUT saved over $500!!!  And that's saying a lot because the PX clothing is typically lower than a regular store (i.e. Carters!)   And (not pictured) I bought two pairs of boots for myself...a $70 black pair for $17 and an $80 brown pair for $20.....CRAZY!!!! 

Kailee picked these out for the baby!  And at $2 each, how could I say no?!

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