Saturday, February 21, 2009

The Birthday Girl!

Hailey had a very busy birthday today starting with opening a few gifts, a partial webcam with Leevi (we could hear each other and he could see us, but we couldn't see him), many birthday wishing phone calls, playing with friends, two walks, and finally dinner, CAKE, and more PRESENTS! The festivities aren't finished yet...she's having her birthday party on Sunday at the Pearl Harbor pool...more pics to come!

Playing with her new Ariel (color changes in water...she couldn't wait for the bath that night) She must have told me a hundred times today that "Ariel needs her tail to swim!"

Dancing for the babies with her new Kid's MP3 player from Gramma Kini and Grandpa

A princess nap to insure she made it peacefully through the evening (she did...only one meltdown because she wanted to skip dinner and just eat cake!)

A bit of coloring

Her "3" birthday tiara

Singing Happy Birthday...note the cell phone next to her on speaker phone with Leevi so he could sing along (good thing we dimmed the light because it was a little emotional...him being gone always hits hard on special occasions!) Glad he was able to "join" us though!


Kailee and her party hat!

More presents!

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