Sunday, February 8, 2009

Letters to Leevi

I haven't really blogged yet about Leevi being gone. We miss him a lot and are staying super busy. I've had tons of help from friends and have even had a few outings on my own (which is wonderful to be able to run errands without dragging two babes along, but kind of lonely when I am finally by myself). We are adjusting to his absence and are on a really good schedule with the girls. They both are asleep by 7pm so that gives me some free time for myself for a few hours before I head to bed. We talk to Leevi practically everyday and Hailey gets a few minutes of hellos and I love yous and listen to your mommy. It's doable...we stay busy! The initial goodbye was harder than I thought it would be. He and I cried when he left for Afghanistan the first time and when he left for Korea when Hailey was a month old, but we both sobbed this time. It's hard to imagine a year. As the girls and I were driving away and I'm crying, Hailey says to me, "Mommy, it's o.k. to be sad." She said that Daddy told her it was ok to be sad and that he was sad too because he was going to miss her birthday party (that's all she's talked about since Christmas!) When we were almost home I decided that I didn't want to go home without him there, so I asked Hailey if she wanted to go to Colin and Rylee's. She said yes and that Tiffany would make me feel better. It did...the joyful chaos with 5 kids was a definite distraction! Over the past 14 years Leevi and I have done a lot of long distance (college, Hawaii, Bosnia, Afghanistan the 1st time, and Korea) but this will be for the longest period of time and having kids makes it completely different. It still feels like he's just out of town on vacation now. Kailee will be walking and talking by the time he makes it home.

We try to get out a few letters a week to Leevi. Hailey will making a drawing and I'll add a note just to give him something to look forward to. I've taken pictures of the "really good ones" just in case they don't make it to him (and also because I've seen the idea pop up several times on how to preserve your child's artwork without having the clutter around) :) Here are a few...

Our family...including the humpback whale in the right corner! ????

My favorite (I love the E)

She decided to add hair to her people now. This is her and Leevi and she made them hold hands! :)


Amy Ross said...

I can't imagine a whole year. Wow. It is wonderful to have such support around you, eventhough it doesn't make up for Leevi being gone. I will be praying for all of you!

Any trips to Va planned while he's gone?? When is Hailey's birthday? Bennett turns three TODAY!

Claudia said...

I think we are going to try to come to VA over the summer. Flying alone with two little ones scares me. The logistics alone give me a headache (double stroller, two carseats, luggage for three, nursing on the plane, and the 10+ hours of flying!!!)

Hailey turns 3 on the 20th. Happy Birthday to Bennett!

Amy Ross said...

If you come, we should definitely get together with our kiddos! Yes, the flying would be a daunting task to me too! Maybe by then they'll both be a bit easier since they are a little bit older!

Claudia said...

Definitely! Although I'm thinking the flight would be easier now since Kailee is content with sitting on my lap. Most likely she will want to be on the move come this summer! :)