Friday, December 18, 2009

Once Again.....

I am so behind on posts again! Our life is typically a whirlwind of activities, but now adding the holidays and a special someone being home (and me not wanting to be glued to the computer) makes it difficult to keep up. I finally got the last of the Christmas gifts ordered (knowing they probably won't make it by Christmas) and most of the girls presents wrapped (which we have to keep on the table because of the monster). The tree has been up with lights, but the only decorations are the hand made ones from Hailey. :) I am normally so obsessive about how the tree gets decorated, but I know that Kailee is going to be a pain with the ornaments. Maybe this weekend???? It will help that I am now on winter break until January!!! Woo Hoo!!!! Much needed although not sure how relaxing it will be....lots to catch up on!

And just a few random photos...

You'd think with one less baby this week (Brooke was already home in PA) that there would be a decrease in the mess...yeah, right! I love when I see this....Kailee will take her empty snack cup or juice box and try to put it in the trash (we have a child lock on it), so this is often what I find. :)

So....the blog purge begins again....check back!!!

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