Thursday, October 14, 2010

Loving the Neighborhood

We are really loving our neighborhood and how close everything is in the community. Hailey has enjoyed riding her bike everywhere. We originally thought we wanted to live on the Economy and engulf ourselves in the German lifestyle but I must say I love our English speaking neighbors (although most Germans also speak pretty fluent English!) and I like living in an actual tree lined neighborhood with parks and sidewalks as opposed to most areas of Hawaii. I don't completely panic went Leila breaks loose knowing she won't get past the gate guards down on the corner! (Or heaven forbid one of the girls for that matter!!) :) I'm comfortable knowing that this will be home for the next three years. Most likely, Kailee will attend a German Preschool starting next year for the last two years here. If we stay a fourth year, she will miss the Kindergarten cut-off by a few weeks and will attend Preschool for a 3rd year. Hailey starts her first full week of Preschool next week...still 9-12 but now everyday...she's excited!

Riding her bike to soccer!
Riding her bike to dance!Hailey and Isabella riding home from school!
When the weather is nice we've had a few impromptu backyard picnic lunches after school with Isabella and Noah who live just across the commons area in the back.

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