Sunday, March 25, 2012

Egg Belly

Hailey has seen quite a few friends of mine with painted bellies incorporated into their Halloween costumes but since I didn't have much of a belly at Halloween I told her maybe we could do an Easter egg when Spring comes.  And of course, she remembered!  I was worried that we might not make it to Easter weekend when Leevi will finally be home, so the Reeds were coming over for a playdate and I asked  Rebecca to bring her camera.  The four girls had a blast and would have painted and painted and painted all afternoon if we let them.  It didn't turn out exactly "Easter Egg" like, but they had a blast.  Hailey wanted to draw an egg design and then paint it in, so I'll see if we have time in the next two weeks to let her have a go at it alone.  Thankfully the weather was nice because that paint was cold!

This set cracks me up where you just see a big belly peeking in the picture!

Round two...We opted for a "Spring Scene" but even that eventually became just a blob of colors!  :)  Can you see the face they made in the bottom right picture?

And the artists signatures...

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