Thursday, March 1, 2012

Silly Sally Day

On Tuesday last week Kailee's class had a Silly Sally day during the week they were learning about the letter "S".  We found out about it before the four day weekend and that's all she asked about everyday!  She picked her own outfit of crazy hair, inside-out-backwards pajamas, and mixed match boots.  They read Silly Sally by Audrey Wood and did some fun activities. 

Since then, we've actually had to say goodbye to her teacher, Ms. Kitty!!!  Sniff, sniff....with our post closing down we knew she was job hunting and we are so happy for her that she found a new school in Wiesbaden, even though it means she had to leave us early.  With that being said, we have decided to pull Kai from school too for the remainder of the year...with everything downsizing rapidly here, her class had been combined with the Full-day Preschool kids and into a large room with divided sections of babies, toddlers, and Preschoolers.  Even though the numbers are small, it got a little too nutty for me and I felt like it was becoming more social hour than a rigorous preschool curriculum :)  Ha!  Which I suppose is actually ok considering she's only 3 and because of her September birthday she will have two more years of preschool anyway.  I think we'll adjust day won't be so choppy with dropoffs and pickups and Hailey is super excited that she can start riding her bike to school again (that 30 min gap in the mornings between H and K's school start time really threw us off during the cold winter) And it's actually easier and just as quick to walk/bike to school because of the walking path vs. the driving path and the in and out of the car.  Kai does GREAT playing independently so I think I'll still be able to get things done during the day and we'll still set aside time for "school work".  And I'm banking on her being just as helpful with the baby as Hailey was with her!  :) 

On a side note, I was searching for ideas of an easy way to gather up the girls "memories"....Kai's journal she brought home from school, random photos or copies of their photo birthday invites/thank you cards, special artwork, report cards etc. and I think I'm going to attempt storing them in this large scrapbook box I found on Amazon.  It's perfect because it's a wide box and hopefully it will serve it's purpose and it will be something they can take from home when they leave the nest...yikes!  :)

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