Monday, January 12, 2015

Thanksgiving 2014

Our weekend before Thanksgiving got off to a rocky start with a stomach bug hitting ALL of us!!!!!  Everyday another one of us dropped like a fly! THANKFULLY, by the Tuesday before Thanksgiving we were feeling better.  We had the exact same symptoms with our stomachs hurting about 6 hours before everything started coming up and then within 12hrs it was gone!  Leevi's parents from Texas arrived the Monday before Thanksgiving and I felt so bad that they were coming into a contaminated house!!  Thankfully open windows and Lysol allowed them to escape the bug!  They found a RIDICULOUS deal on the Mega Bus with roundtrip tickets from Dallas to St. Louis for a WHOPPING $2.50 each!!!!!!!!!!!!!! INSANE!!!  We were so glad to spend Thanksgiving with them!
My two fall Pinterest crafts!!!
The kids had school until Tuesday, so we decided to kick off the holiday season with a visit to Santa.  I heard amazing things about the Santa at the Pro Bass Shop and since we don't have a mall in our area, we decided to check it out along with dinner. 

The set up was well worth it, BUT (and it's a big BUT) we waited 1 hour and 45 minutes in line!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Apparently everyone else had the same great idea that I did!  I knew the weekends would be packed but I didn't think mid-week would be that bad!  Not to mention Springfield is an hour and 20 minutes away....sigh!!!!!!  We finally ate dinner (at Chick-Fil-A, yay! But not Outback like we had planned, boo!) around 9pm and didn't get home until 11pm, ugh!!!!  Lesson learned :(
Luke didn't mind Santa at all....because his big sister protectors were there!!
They had a free carousel, arcade, and craft to kill the time while you waited. 

On Wednesday, we recovered from our Santa fiasco and Leevi put his dad to work in helping build the kids one of their Christmas indoor jungle gym!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's been a hit to say the least, especially with temps in the single digits now! :(

I intentionally had Leevi place the rings out of Luke's reach because he does flips on them everytime...he definitely needs a spotter!!!!
We all had our jerseys on for Thanksgiving because the Cowboys played the Eagles.
Sadly, the outcome was not what we hoped for, but thankfully they redeemed themselves two weeks later with a rematch.
Pat took the Thanksgiving off and left the cooking to me! :)
I only had to worry about the sides though because Leevi has fried the turkey for us for years now...he got an infrared fryer for Father's Day a few years ago, so it's even better now to not have to mess with the oil (and healthier too!) 
We were so happy to have them for the week!!!!
We dropped them off in St. Louis on Friday and continued onto Kentucky to visit the Greens for the rest of the break.  You're looking at six happy kids here!!!!!  The adults (and Allie) were super happy too!!!!! :)  Leevi and Charlie snuck in a free college football game on Saturday and you'd think Jenny and I would have had it hard with all 7 kids but they missed each other so much, they jumped right back in where they had left off! 
 Kai's hair cracks me up in this pic...she should give some to poor Allie girl!!! :)
 Luke loved holding her too!!!

 Allie definitely felt the love that weekend!
We escaped the house in the afternoon and got in some park time!

 The silly Lukes
 And we squeezed in a little photoshoot of Allie at 5 months.

 And took their Christmas card pics

 Saying goodbye...sniff, sniff
 I really hope these two get married one day! :)

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