Saturday, May 2, 2009

I didn't lose her this time...

I didn't lose Hailey this time, but this is where she fell asleep when I was feeding Kailee. Hailey came in my room at some point in the night and when Kailee woke up to eat, Hailey heard her and wanted to come with me into Kailee's room. I told her she could, but that she couldn't make a sound (I didn't want Kailee's to think it was playtime in the middle of the night!) So, Hailey went behind the recliner to "wait" for me. This is actually one of her favorite spots to play when we are in Kailee's room...Leila likes it too! This was one of the places I looked a few weeks back when Hailey went missing during her nap! :)

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