Thursday, November 12, 2009

Kailee Girl!

I hadn't done a post recently about Kailee in general so I thought I'd document her milestones on here since I've been so bad with her baby book! :) She is still the best baby in the world ! So flexible and happy although I've needed quite a few babysitters recently and she hasn't been too happy about that. You'd think she'd be sick of me, but oh no, she gets very clingy when friends are over to visit for fear that they are a sitter! Her words are starting to flow with almost a new one every couple of days...mama, dada, baby, ball, bubble, nana (banana), hello, hi, bye bye, wawa (pacifier), wawa (water) ma (milk) and sort of Leila, Hailey, shoe, book. And she pretty clearly said "Jackson" the other day, but hasn't repeated it. She definitely understands more than she can speak...."bring this to ____" "go get the ____" "lets take a bath/lets go eat/lets go outside" My absolute favorite is when she tries to sing the Dora song, "Do do do do do Dora! Do do do do do Dora!" When ever she see a Dora book or cup or doll she'll say, "dodododododo" :) She's obsessed with brushing her teeth and will go stand on the bathroom stool and point to the toothbrushes (she needs one for each hand!) She will go to the pantry and pull out a snack and bring it to me to open or go to the fridge and ask for milk. She's a big girl and off bottles completely. I just went cold turkey on her after she finally stopped spitting milk out if she drank it from a sippy cup. And again, she really didn't care about not having the bottle (or even her bedtime bottle) She just goes with the flow! She's a great sleeper through the night and will even go to bed at 6:30pm if she only naps about 2 hours during the day. Typically she's 7pm to 7am if she gets a longer nap or two naps. Her favorite book is a lift the flap board book (that was also a favorite of Hailey's) where a baby plays peekaboo, is happy, sad, eats, wants her mama, and sleeps. Kailee will act out the peakaboo, mama and nigh-night and she looks up every time at me when I read about the baby reaching for her mommy (tear) :)

We are so blessed to have such fun and loving daughters and I guarantee Kailee is so perfect because of her wonderful big sister! :)

The Social Monkey

Good Grief!!! I'm not really worried about her climbing up here and burning herself because obviously if I'm cooking I won't leave the stove area, but I'm more concerned about the oven door pulling open! It has a lock, but that's only when it's self cleaning!
My favorite monkey act of hers is opening the bathroom door. It is physically impossible that she should be able to open it. Even on her tippy toes she isn't tall enough yet somehow with her strong will and determination she gets it open. It's the craziest thing. The first time she did it Hailey was in the bathroom and I didn't believe her that she didn't help Kailee from the inside, but I was proven wrong shortly after that when I witnessed it with my own eyes. Still trying to get the magic trick on video.... :)
Kailee playing soccer...
Sorry for the poor was from my cell phone (and I also couldn't edit it with Movie Maker)

Just some snippets of everyday things...

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