Saturday, November 21, 2009

Ohana Photo Shoot

We attempted a photo shoot today of all 13 babes at KoOlina. Last year we opted for individual submissions of photos of the kids in a santa hat...
BUT this year we thought it'd be fun to capture the true essense of life with youngsters! The "final" pic that made the cut isn't posted (although it's not much better than what you see here!) :) I loved this one because this was so true "the drop and run"
Even the ones with the moms in it didn't turn out so hot! :)
Socializing in between sessions! :)Is she a "beach babe" or a "beached whale"? :)I liked these of the girls, but got a much cuter one of each at home that will be on our Christmas card.
I hadn't planned on taking pictures with the girls, but why pass up the opportunity...I like this one, but you can see Hailey's underwear and Kailee has snot! I guess that's nothing a little Photoshop can't fix! And Brooke summing up the feeling of most of the kids (AND adults!) But it was a gorgeous day and most people at least got their family pictures for their own cards and an afternoon at the beach in paradise!

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