Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Mental Exhaustion

I was waiting to know more before I made a post about this, but just thought everyone could play along in the mind game with us. About two weeks ago we learned that the job that Leevi was going to in Alaska was pulled. Not only in the email did it say that the job doesn't exist anymore, but that our replacement assignment was Korea! That didn't exactly go over too well with us and after a bit of whining we got a response of "I'm not making any promises, but I'll see what I can do for a job in the Continental US...give me a week" Over the next two days, we prepped for Korea (just in case) and then got an email from left field, "How do you feel about Germany?" Wow, how do we feel about Germany? It definitely wasn't closer to home, but it did give us a once in a lifetime experience to tour Europe. We wrote back that we liked that option and then prepped for Germany knowing in the back of our minds that she might have more choices on Monday. On Monday, we had another email, but this time not from his Branch Officer. It was an email asking Leevi if he'd be interested in being a candidate for ACS (Advanced Civil Schooling) where he could earn a graduate degree in the field of his choice and while doing so, this would be his only job. He replied that he was interested and the response was, "Great. I'll put your name in a hat and let you know by next week." We have no idea how many people he is up against and if the guy literally meant that he was putting names in a hat. So, we wait....

If he gets this ACS program, then we think our plan will be to stay in Hawaii and Leevi will go to UH or one of the private colleges here. Technically we could go anywhere we want, but finanically our best option is to stay put. If he doesn't get picked for ACS, then we will go to Germany this summer. Either way we are excited! I'll keep you updated!

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