Friday, January 29, 2010

Playing School

When the babies were still taking two naps, Hailey and Gavin would have time to themselves where we could do a craft or something without worrying about the little ones. Now everyone naps at the same time (which is GREAT for me), but it's hard to do "big kid" things without the little ones wanting to participate. So, I let them, but it isn't long before playdoh and crayons start to go missing (in their mouths!)

Coloring/School (as Hailey calls it)Counting their dinosaurs!
She was quite productive with her scribbles
And how "school" ended....Hailey deligently finishing up her worksheet, the other babies over it and down playing, and Kailee being a monster!
And when we aren't "playing school" this is a favorite pasttime of the babies...I like to refer to it as "Hide and Scream". They hide behind the island and run out screaming!

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