Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Holiday Weekend Randoms

Here are just some randoms pictures from last weekend that didn't fit any particular post...

Kailee pushing her baby
Hailey girl and the baby that always gets fought over!
Hailey made this special necklace for me...I had no idea was she was creating, but she had a vision! :) She cut the paper herself and stapled it together!
She crashed hard while eating lunch before she was to get dropped off at the Buelows when we went golfing. It completely ruined her nap and we aren't sure if she even fell back asleep over there. Kailee brought these hats over to Leevi for them to wear during their game...
Playing "Go Fish" when we traded days and watched Gavin. They attempted to play up on the table so Kailee wouldn't bother them, but fat chance!
These are old dish towels that the girls have in their play kitchen and Hailey brought them over to create capes. You can't tell from the picture, but both girls are on phones with someone who needs to be rescued!!!! :)
Super Heroes to the Rescue!!!!!!!!!!!!! With my mad photoshopping skills (yeah, right) I added a shirt to my always naked child! I swear I buy clothes for this girl, but she always claims that she's hot! :)
Daddy, the Nerd Princess. And Kailee making one of her usual Stink Eye faces at Hailey who is holding her arm so she doesn't take off Leevi's costume! :) We laugh that Kailee is going to have permanant wrinkles between her eyebrows at such a young age from this face! :)

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