Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter Prep

We didn't even attempt to torture Kailee with sitting on the Easter Bunny's lap
Kailee sat in her basket all on her own and was checking out the eggs
We dyed Easter Eggs today. I had thought about letting Kailee join in, but quickly came to my senses and realized it'd be a diaster (mainly because Hailey would have gotten irritated with Kailee). Leevi, Hailey and I had a peaceful egg dying during naptime. When I told Hailey that we were going to "dye" the eggs she was a little confused and I changed the word to "color" them. A little later she told me that we need to hurry up and color the eggs before they "die" :)
So proud
We are ready for Easter tomorrow awaking with hidden eggs and baskets from the bunny and then off to church and then Easter brunch at the Stampfers.

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