Monday, April 12, 2010

No more monkeys jumping on the bed!

Her new favorite place to eat a snackShe's like a cat that needs to be perched up high
Ridiculous, I know
She will climb on anything!
So here's the latest about Monkey Kai...after the morning of the first time she made it out of her crib we weren't sure what we were going to do (i.e. make it a toddler bed). When it was time for nap that day, she didn't want to go down and immediately climbed right out (I think her transition to naptime was poor...she and Hailey were pretty wound up playing and then I just plopped her in bed) She was out in two seconds and while I ran to get the camera she walked right into the bathroom and jumped in the bath with Hailey. Leevi had to rock her to sleep to get her down for her nap. But....that night she went down easy as pie for bedtime and then the next morning walked into our room at 7am! :) Other than that one time of resisting naptime she still seems to go down easily and not attempt to get out of her crib until she wakes up. And then this morning she just called for me..."momma! mommmmmma! alldone" :)

1 comment:

Amy said...

I love the mommma, "alldone" after she is done sleeping, that is a freakin' trip!!!!!