Saturday, April 10, 2010

The Rascal

The little monkey is causing a raucous...if Kailee follows Hailey into the bathroom, Hailey typically wants her to stay. In the past she has only messed with the toilet paper, but recently she has been playing in the water. Not too big of a deal (until today!) Hailey was screaming "help! help!" from the bathroom and I walk in to find this....And since we are speaking of bathrooms, Kailee girl had her first poop on the potty this week! We aren't potty training her yet, but occassionally I will put her on the potty just for fun. This time she tooted and a tiny turd popped out. Hailey screamed that Kailee had pooped and Kailee seemed pretty impressed with herself so the girls got Leevi to show him! :) I figured this tiny little poop wasn't too gross to put online...nothing compared to Hailey's 1st poop on the potty (at 22 months) way too disgusting, but the picture is really funny. She is posing with the poop like, "mom, what the hell are you doing?!"And poopy #2!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Again, a poot pushed this one out, but I guess you have to start somewhere. She did this one this morning and I saved it in the potty for Kailee to show Hailey when she woke up! :) She was proud! When she isn't playing in the bathroom, she does do cute things like play ring-around-the rosie with her baby! Getting ready for a night of shopping with Momma

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