Sunday, December 5, 2010

Kailee's First Visit to the Dentist

Kailee saw the dentist for the first time last Tuesday. She did AMAZING! We had practiced all week opening her mouth really wide! :) I think the dentist goes as far with her procedures as the child will let her and Kailee did great! Her teeth were counted (20 total), cleaned, and then painted with flouride. And she got a huge goodie bag when she was done...balloon animal, bouncy ball, ring, toothbrush, toothpaste and animal flossers! And two random pictures...Kailee and I walked to the PX when Hailey was in school. It was 27 degrees! Thankfully she loves to accessorize and wore her ski mask and allowed me to wrap her up in two blankets on top of her winter coat, hat, and gloves! She was so toasty that she fell asleep on the 15 min. walk (at 10:30am!!!) and she napped all the way through my shopping (how wonderful!!) and even through picking up Hailey at school. She woke up almost two hours later at home when I took her out of the stroller and was very surprised to see that Hailey was here! :) And should you wonder why I had to walk to the store in 27 degree weather, it's because my car was in the shop! $600 later we have a new alternator belt...Merry Christmas and Happy Anniversary to Leevi and I! :) Snug as a bug in a rug!

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