Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Busy Weekend!

We had a really busy weekend and I'm sick on top of all that, so I should probably just be in bed instead of writing this post, but oh well! I've diagnosed myself with Tonsillitis, so we'll see what the dr says tomorrow...I've had a sore throat for almost 2 weeks and for almost a week now it's torture to even swallow my own spit! Sorry, anyway, back to the weekend...

Friday night: I finally got to see Harry Potter! I didn't take a picture of myself like my friend Mel, but I did finally get to go with a friend and we loved it....of course, it wasn't as amazing as the book, but I still thought it was a decent Cliff's Notes version.

Saturday afternoon/evening: We celebrated our friend Lisa's 30th birthday! She has finally joined the club (there are still a few stragglers). We were supposed to go on a Sunset Cruise at KoOlina, but the captain canceled because of our hurricane coming (Felicia) which still hasn't hit and has been downgraded to a tropical depression. Anyway, we still met up for drinks and then dinner and then back to their house for more fun!

How is it that the Weida Brothers ordered a frilly drink while most everyone else was drinking beer? :)
One of MANY shots for the birthday girl!The cake!
I only put both of the photos in because I thought it was funny that everyone is looking at the right camera in both pics except for Tanya.

Sunday afternoon: Colin Stampfer turned 4!!!!!!!! I can't believe it! I know I've got a picture somewhere of Hailey and Colin when Colin turned 1.

Kailee hanging with the big kids...she was a nut!

The MacDonald ladies
Kailee and Mason
Colin and Hailey hanging out under the present table and eating their lunchHailey having a go at the pinata!
The baby area! :) Brooke, Jackson, Kailee and Makaela (Gavin and Mason were somewhere)
Best buds!
So needless to say I'm still trying to catch up on housework that didn't get done this past weekend (and catching up on sleep to try to get rid of my horrible throat pain, whatever it is!) I'm way behind on quite a few cute posts, so keep checking back....

p.s. I found the pics from Colin's 1st bday!
Party at his house...
Chuck E Cheese on his actual bday

Around bday time, not the greatest pic, but oh they were so little! (Hailey 6 months and Colin 1yr)
And here they are about 6 months later...oh we've got many, many pics of the two of them together...it'll be great for their arranged marriage wedding reception slideshow! :)

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