Thursday, August 13, 2009


Super hero HaileyWonder what she is doing to that baby!??!
So proud of her Playdoh family
"See you Soon" flowers from Daddy!
Gnawing on a pineapple core (great for teething!) She still only has two!
Excited about something!

And a video...Hailey and Kailee playing together (picnic/park or something) They do this all the time. Hailey is amazing...don't know what I'd do without her. I can always count on her to keep Kailee entertained while I'm making dinner, showering, anything! And I'm lovin that the baby girl can walk now and I can put her back in dresses (crawling is just impossible in a dress) And once again....Hailey walked at 10 1/2 months and although Kailee took her first step at just over 9 months, she didn't start "walking" regularly until 10 1/2 months. Nuts! We'll see about teeth next...Hailey didn't get her top two until 14 1/2 months.

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