Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Bedtime Drama!

Our perfect sleepers have become a nightmare since our move! Kailee, the sleep perfectionist, with her freedom from climbing out of the crib, has become a pain to get to sleep (we have to rock her and even then sometimes she won't let us lay her down) She gets up in the night and comes into our bed.....BUT, she's not a cuddle sleeper so she tosses and flips and is restless which keeps me awake because I'm afraid she's going to fall out of bed. Leevi laughed at me because I wanted to post a video of a crocodile doing a death roll (google it!) I swear that's how Kailee flips in her sleep!!! If we weren't moving in a few weeks I would buy one of these crib tents to lock her in! We had planned on having the girls share a bed in Germany but weren't exactly sure when we'd officially move Kailee out of her crib, but if she won't stay in it and Hailey and Kailee have no problem sleep on top (I mean with) each other than we might as well transition them only once instead of having them readjust after a few months there.
Our lovely 4 yr old is hooked on the wawa again! I swear it's an addiction! We gave into her again with the move and it's become such a problem...she's whiny and sassy and has a complete meltdown when we take it away. It's absolutely ridiculous! She's like a crack addict! I can't stand it. The girls will even argue over who has what color wawa. Ughhh!!! I'm over it and wanted them gone now. Poor Kailee has to grow up fast because her older sister is an addict! :) Leevi wanted to wait until after the 20 something hour flight to Germany. I agreed that they'd probably be helpful for their ears on the plane. BUT.....Leevi had the girls by himself all day yesterday and had hidden the wawas somewhere and when it came to bedtime he said he had thrown them away. I said, "perfect!" and took Kailee to bed....Hailey lost it (and I left Leevi to deal with her)!!!!!!!! It took a little longer for Kailee to fall asleep, but she did without an issue. Apparently, Hailey found one hidden under the bed and Leevi caved! Sucker! Although he did take it away after she fell asleep. The rest of the night went fine until Hailey woke up at 4am and couldn't fall back asleep and then she woke Kailee up at 4:45am! Both girls stayed awake (definite early naptime today...Hailey too). We'll see.....I guess we can always whip them out for the plane ride and then rip them away just as fast when we get to Germany...poor addict!

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