Thursday, May 13, 2010

Busy Weekend

These pictures are out of order but we had a busy weekend last weekend so I thought I'd throw them all in one post. For the last two Furlough Fridays of the year, the Buelows are trading babysitting days with us. Leevi and I golfed on Friday and went out to dinner...if you check out Steph's blog there is a cute video of the kids (and dogs!) Saturday we met the Stampfers at the beach and then went to the pool at Hickam Air Force base when my sister-in-law and nephew arrived and then ended the evening at another park for a picnic (we've decided that picnic dinners where a 4 yr old, 2 yr old and 19 month old have freedom are so much more peaceful than a sit down restaurant....we've had them Saturday, Sunday and Tuesday since Naomi has been here)

At the pool
Flying a kite at my soccer game (love the clouds!!!)
Will, Leevi and Kailee (with bubbles)

Mason and Kailee at KoOlina
Colin and Hailey snorkeling
Kailee napping at the pool
Kailee, Hailey and Leevi
At the park for a picnic dinner
Monkey child
The girls with Aunt Naomi
And a video of Hailey at the pool going down the slide and jumping off the diving board

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