Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The Monkey on the Monkey Bars!

I've been trying to get Kai doing the monkey bars on video for over a month now!  The one time I remembered to bring my camera to the park she didn't want to do them and as you'll see from the video, I needed someone with me to film the feat because it's too scary to let her do them completely on her own (which of course is what she prefers!)  She did them for the first time when Leevi took the girls to the park for a couple of days in a row right after we got home from our VA trip so I could unpack, do laundry, (SLEEP OFF MY JET LAG)!!!!  The first time I saw her do it I was almost crying...I was laughing but I was also terrrified!  How can she not have ANY FEAR??!!!  I went home to count my grey hairs.  She's perfected it now and cruises down the right side and then hangs for as long as she can! 

Sorry about the video quality...I only had my iphone on me!

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