Friday, September 16, 2011

The Oceanfront

We only made it to the Oceanfront once during our visit.  I guess once we discovered the pools, they were much closer and simplier of a trip.  It definitely wasn't KoOlina but the girls had fun and the waves were pretty big and they liked for me to take them out to jump over them.  Bobby and Josie tagged along and of course were a big help!  We avoided the hustle and bustle of "the strip" and kept to ourselves in the residential area.  The big dilemma on my trip was "to bring or not to bring" my big camera everywhere.  I settled for the iphone for a lot of the outings simply because I didn't have enough hands and for a place like the beach I didn't want to worry about water, sand, clingy kids, etc! 

Lots of wave jumping!

You'd think after living in Hawaii for so long Hailey would be used to the sand but she definitely takes after her mother.  I'm just glad she didn't flip out when it was time to leave when she realized there weren't showers to rinse off in!  I told her, "I know!  I don't really like the sand either!"  And she replied, "Well, why did we come here then?!"  :)  She really did have a good time though!  :) 

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