Saturday, September 29, 2012

More Lukey

Yes, we are sooooo guilty of calling him Lukey!  Leevi even does it!  Or Luka, or Mister, or Luka Booke!  Hopefully, he'll learn what is real name is!  :)  I'm attempting a blog purge this weekend but since it usually takes me at least 3 attempts to get one post done, we'll see!!!  Luke is amazing us by the day that it's so hard to keep up with his milestones!  I love to watch his progress as he tweeks his crawl, his standing, and his sitting!  Just last week, he started pulling himself up and now he's already learned to "walk" his feet up to get a better balance!  I'm a little more comfortable with him crawling around the tile floor, but now I just have to watch for him pulling up on the couch, toy shelves, chairs etc!  Oh my!!!!!  I'm really scared to voice my prediction of when I think he will walk!!!!  At this point, he can get to practically anywhere he wants to, so might as well bring on the walking, BUT then that leads to the climbing AND then the jumping!  Yikes!!!!  Might need to bust out the hair dye before he is ONE!!!

This pic of Kai cracks me up...he was totally irritating her while she was trying to she is in action trying to block him!  :) 
 This fridge Leapfrog toy is one of the few items I've had since Hailey was a baby...definitely a family favorite!!!
 Leevi didn't object when I told him I was going out to look for leg warmers for his son!  Most of the boy pants are so restricting and stiff so it's hard for him to move around.  PLUS diaper changes are already a wrestling match, so once his pants come off they usually stay off!  Our tile floor is so cold and these seem to help a lot! 
 How are they both so big already??!!!!
 We are making some progress at dinner time!!!  I think he's eating at least 75% of his cereal.  I thought we were golden at bedtime when he went 7 hrs straight and was only up ONCE in the night at 3:30am, but alas, not so much last night!!!!!
 He was being cute and snuggly on Kai before naptime!  He also has been resting his head on my shoulder before he goes to sleep!  You can imagine how HARD it is to put him into his crib when he does heart just melts and I want to freeze time!!!!!
 Family date night!
 The monster attacks!!!  He loves pulling up on whoever is laying on the floor!!!  He got my hair here!!!!

We are definitely into fall here!!!  It's freezing when we walk to school in the mornings and it's hit or miss in the afternoons!  It was so much easier to have a baby in Hawaii!!!
And two cute videos!!!!

1 comment:

Sara Maida said...

Oh my!!! He is a mover! You can also make leg Warner's out of men's dress socks! I found it on pinterest :)