Sunday, January 11, 2009

Where is my spot?

I had a night of bed-hopping with the girls last night. We've been so busy with visitors, holiday stuff, and last minute family things before Leevi deploys that we haven't stuck to my miltant bedtime routine with Hailey. When we don't, her nights seem restless and she finds her way to our room more often than not. Last night she came in around 2 and crawled into bed and I took her back to her room when Kailee got up. Kailee is doing great at not feeding much in the night, but she still wakes up for her pacifer. Kailee was really restless in the early a.m., so I just brought her into bed with us...she ended up getting comfortable in a somewhat upright position leaning on my stomach as I was turned on my side. Around 6:30, Hailey came back in, but wanted to snuggle next to me and squeezed Kailee out of the way. Thankfully she went back to sleep and we all didn't get up until around 8. It's crazy thinking how 8am is sleeping in now!!!! :)
I woke up somehow on the left side of Hailey smushed down toward the bottom of the bed. Leila usually sneaks up on the bed when the sun comes up, but thankfully she hadn't woken up yet and made space even more limited!

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