Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Monkey Child

Kailee is so physical! In every sense of the word: strong, rough, monkey-like! She climbs up and onto everything! I've always laughed when I've seen one of these helmets pictured below in a children's catalog, but it's so tempting to buy it for her! Ha! I think this one is called a Bumper Bonnet for $12.95 in One Step Ahead! Good grief...I doubt a kid will tolerate it on her head for more than a minute. My theory is that if Kailee is going to climb anyway (she's SO strong willed) than I might as well let her practice so she can gain some sense of balance, depth, fear. I found her one day standing in the baby doll stroller, but I didn't make it over there fast enough before the wheels rolled and she tipped over backwards...crazy kid!
Our little daredevil!
While Leevi was home on R&R, Kailee started making this silly face where she snorts somewhat out her nose and scrunches up her face. This was Hailey's signature mark at around 6 months!
Kailee's version of the Scrunch Face...she makes the same noise and crinkles her nose, but she keeps her mouth open unlike Hailey.
Hailey at 7 months old...first night in our new house.
I remember I dressed Hailey up for no reason in particular other than to take some cute pics and all she would do was make this face!
To see the video of Hailey's scrunch face at 6 months old clickhere

And a few video clips of the girls...sorry, it ended up longer than I thought it would be...


MOMI Boutique said...

haha you are not alone. Hailee & Leah are one in the same. Leah has already managed to chip her front tooth because she climbs & climbs & falls & falls. I think a mouth guard could be a great idea!

amy said...

I was going to say the same thing. Janie climbs on everything. Josh does like Hailee, but it doesn't look as gentle when he's playing w/Janie. Counting down till HI!