Saturday, April 4, 2009

Locks of Love

My hair got ridiculously long when I was pregnant with Kailee...and now she's 6 months old and I was still complaining. I looked into a couple of places that did hair donations...Locks of Love was the one that came to mind, but you have to donate at least 10 inches. I found a Pantene one that only has to be 8. Once we actually did the measuring, we realized I could have the needed 10 plus more! It's a little shorter than I wanted, but I still like it and it was definitely overdue for a good chop. I love the layers, but will probably let it grow out a little longer. A 13 inch ponytail will get put in the mail tomorrow! :)

1 comment:

Sara Maida said...

I LOVE it! I'm so impressed. I am so indecisive about my hair. I'm always jealous of those who can "go for it!" And the layers are really cute!