Sunday, April 19, 2009

Tidbits from Hailey Part IV

Some random thoughts from Hailey Monster...

1. We were driving in the car and Hailey was pushing down the chest buckle on her car seat and taking her arms out. I told her she needed to stop and pull it back up right away because if we were in an accident she would go flying right out of her seat. She replied with, "I can't fly. I don't have wings."

2. I was doing some random crunches (not complete sit-ups) the other day while I was playing on the floor with the kids. Hailey came up behind me and offered to help me get up because she thought I was having trouble!

3. Hailey took a piece of her playdoh and rubbed it on her stuffed animal's bottom and said it was "butt paste" (the diaper rash cream we use)

4. I was getting ready to take the babies upstairs for their morning nap when Hailey reminded me that I forgot to make her breakfast (poor thing!!!), so I set Kailee back down and she started to fuss and Hailey said to her, "Kailee, you have to be patient!"

5. Hailey was trying to be sneaky in an incredibly unsneaky fashion (she was backing away from me with her hands behind her back with a smirk on her face). She, of course, was naked except for her underwear and before I even asked what she was doing she incriminated herself and said, "I don't have nuffin in my underwear." (It was a pen she was hiding!)

6. Kailee is able to push herself up from her stomach to a sitting position. When Hailey saw Kailee do this for the first time she said, "I'm so proud of her! She is growing up!"

7. When I put Hailey to bed at night, we "recap" the day mostly of her behavior and I'll tell her how happy I was with how she acted at the store or how she shared her toys with Rylee, etc. Or if we had an incident we'll talk about why she got upset and so forth. Sometimes if I think the day has run pretty smoothly I will just say how happy I am, but Hailey will remind me of something she did wrong as if she was confessing her sins! :)

8. I had one particularly ROUGH day with attitude from Hailey (she had the biggest meltdown at the NEX food court and was screaming so loud I'm sure people thought I was kidnapping her. It was too embarrassing to even make eye contact with anyone as I drug her to the elevator.) Anyway, that day continued with various crying fits about nothing specific and I think ended on a somewhat o.k. note. The next day we worked a lot on maintaining her temper and lots and lots of exaggerated positive reinforcement from me. She was a brand new child!!!! Not one tear, not one meltdown, not one "counting", so going to bed that I told her how proud I was of her and how happy it made me that she was in a good mood all day. As I said that to her I was holding her face in my hands and she put her hands on my face and said to me, "I'm so proud of you for not yelling at me today!"

9. Hailey can get into a zone when she's playing or watching t.v. and sometimes won't acknowledge me if I tell her something. I'll say, "Yes, mom." (like, hello??? did you hear me??) and she'll reply "yes, mom"...well the other day I told her that I was going down to switch the laundry and I said, "did you hear me?" and she said, "yes, your majesty" :)

10. Kailee yawned the other day with an "H" sound and Hailey said, "SHE SAID MY NAME!!!"

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