Saturday, April 18, 2009

Our Free Spirit!

No, there aren't any topless beaches in Hawaii that I know of, but Hailey claims this is false! Here she is "playing beach" outback...notice her dress discarded in the chair by the door. She had even used her sippy cup of milk as "sunscreen" to lube up before laying down!

I CANNOT keep clothes on this kid!!!!!! She drives me batty! I shouldn't be having this clothing battle at such a young age and can only imagine what the years to come will bring. She's been fighting me mostly at night with the type of pajamas she wants (mostly doesn't want) to wear. She doesn't wear a pull-up to bed anymore, but she refuses to wear underwear to sleep in. I've let her get away with wearing pj's with shorts/pants and no underwear, but now she only wants to wear "mommy shirts" (I think she means night gowns, but I don't typically wear night gowns, so don't know where she gets that from). She says that underwear "tickles" her! Ughhhhhhhh!!!! And shoes too!!!!! I think she's just pushing her limits on independence. I've had some success in offering her "choices" of clothing...I pick out a few articles of clothing that are appropriate for whichever occasion and she gets to "choose" what to wear.

1 comment:

Mrs. Swann said...

Kaylee is almost 6 and we still have clothing battles! Everything gives her a "wedgie" even though she has worn the pants a million times...the tags tickle her (even though they are tagless panties). And the latest...if she sits down and her shirt rides up, then she can't wear it - she doesn't want to show any peach (her skin). Still don't know where the whole "peach" and "tan" skin color descriptions came from :)

Ryleigh, however, could care less about what she wears...and we are almost 3!