Monday, July 15, 2013

Please Remove your Shoes Photoshoot

I absolutely LOVE the way this turned out, but holy moly was it a pain to get this picture!  If you plan on making one yourself, let me save you the hassle and learn from my mistakes! LOL!  My friend, Heather at Significant Signs By Heather, painted this for me!
I was so excited to get this done (I'd had it lying around for weeks waiting on the weather to be nice!) that this print is just from my computer printer...I finally ordered an edited one from Snapfish!
 Let's just say that Little Man wasn't totally cooperative!  :)
You'd think that not having to worry about smiling or even looking at the camera would make it a piece of cake!
 We even tried a different location off of the rock, but I wasn't totally satisfied!
I was ready to give up on Luke and not have him in the photo at all! :)  And I also had never realized how similar the girls' feet are.  Hailey on the left and Kai on the right with their cute toes painted!  They are about a size apart.  Hailey is a 13/1 and Kai is an 11/12. 
Not bad, but I couldn't get close enough to not have his diaper in the picture and if I cropped it, it wouldn't fit for an 8x10 frame.
I thought the flowers would be cute, but you can't even see their feet!
Finally!!!!!  I decided to go for rolled up jeans and attempted the rock one more time!  Perfect!!!!  I added a filter on PicMonkey and ordered the print in a 8x10 and it's hanging by the front door!  Too cute!!!!

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